
Life Stories

Stories from our communities

Our residents are at the heartbeat of our retirement communities. Here they share their stories of why a move to Birchgrove was the right choice for them.

Ray's story

Like old boots you know…

I’ve lived here for fifty-four years now. It’s where my roots are, my stomping ground, so I wanted to stay here. It’s like your comfy old boots, it’s what I know – as are the people and things I do here that form a large part of my life – particularly since I lost my wife.

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The adventure of it...

I’ve lived in this community for years in a number of dfferent houses, and actually downsized into what’s still a big house back in 2000. I’m 89, not as agile as I was and feeling the strains of age, and things I wouldn’t have thought twice about are a real pain and stress.

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Pat and Mike's Story

Pat and Mike moved from Luton to be closer to their daughter and were attracted by the ease of life an all-inclusive rent offered...


Bill's Story

Bill lost his wife two years ago and found it hard living in a place constantly surrounded by so many memories and photographs. Here’s his story of how he extended his thinking into the present and took hold of a new future.


Helen's Story

Helen is looking forward to moving into Lower Mill Apartments; she has already been joining in the social activities and getting to know those already living here. 



Come and see for yourself

Therese had been thinking about moving into a retirement community since her husband died, and when her daughter told her she was moving away to Yorkshire to follow her lifelong dream, she knew she couldn’t delay any further.


Stan’s story

Stan was living on his own and would never have considered moving out of the family home until he heard about Birchgrove. Something triggered in him to encourage him to find out more and the move has been life changing. Read his story about finding the right home and discovering a new lease of life...

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Cultivating Community

John moved to Birchgrove in February 2020 and instantly fell in love with the greenhouse and gardens. Handling the soil and watching the seedlings grow became not only a joyful pursuit, but a passion and hobby. John's experience with the garden certainly chimes with the RHS research findings of improved health and well-being.

John in greenhouse
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